28 August 2010

You Knew This Might Happen, Didn't You?

And now we get to the problem with the "Ground Zero Muslim Community Center."

Apparently the GZMCC may be subsidized by the government (from a Reuters article). Which means subsidized by your tax dollars. Which means your money may well be stolen so the government can give it to someone else (it really doesn’t matter who—Muslims or terrorists or welfare recipients or Pittsburgh Steelers fans). Apparently the GZMCC may qualify for “tax-free financing.” Again, that means they won’t pay taxes because you already have. Makes you feel good, doesn’t it?

The whole deal is complex, and I admit I don’t completely get it all, but when I see certain words I know what they mean. Like these:

· “Tax-free financing”

· “Tax laws allow such funding for religiously affiliated non-profits”

· The center would avoid “taxable debt”

Here’s something from the Libertarian Party platform: “We oppose government actions which either aid or attack any religion.”

That means no tax-exempt status for your church (which is a bad idea anyway because now you’ve just prostituted yourself to the government). It means no “tax-free financing” for mosques (or “Muslim Community Centers”). It means that what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. No religion should get special status from the government. Tax relief means (1) favored status and (2) someone’s stealing your money to pay for someone else’s religion. Neither is good.

You want to fight their right to build? Don’t. You want to fight their “right” to steal your money? Go right ahead.

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